Krystian Łygas, Piotr Wolszczak, Grzegorz Litak, Paweł Stączek
Meccanica September 2019, Volume 54, Issue 11–12, pp 1689–1702
We study the dynamics of an elastic inverted pendulum with amplitude limiters excited horizontally. This particular model corresponds to a class of systems where a clearance is present naturally as an effect of imperfect clamping or it is included to tailor the response. We explore the complex responses of the system for a fixed value of amplitude clearance. The simulation and experimental results are analysed by a 0–1 test, Fourier, and wavelet transforms. The results show that the system can vibrate with subharmonic solution where the main response frequency of a flexible beam is 3 times lower than the excitaion frequency. We claim that an inverted pendulum with imperfect clamping of mechanical resonator can be used in broad frequency band energy harvesting.

Schematic picture of the elastic inverted pendulum with amplitude stoppers. The system dynamics is limited to planar motion.
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