Dynamics identification of a piezoelectric vibrational energy harvester by image analysis with a high speed camera

Piotr Wolszczak, Krystian Łygas, Grzegorz Litak. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 107 (2018) 43–52


This study investigates dynamic responses of a nonlinear vibration energy harvester. The nonlinear mechanical resonator consists of a flexible beam moving like an inverted pendulum between amplitude limiters. It is coupled with a piezoelectric converter, and excited kinematically. Consequently, the mechanical energy input is converted into the electrical power output on the loading resistor included in an electric circuit attached to the piezoelectric electrodes. The curvature of beam mode shapes as well as deflection of the whole beam are examined using a high speed camera. The visual identification results are compared with the voltage output generated by the piezoelectric element for corresponding frequency sweeps and analyzed by the Hilbert transform.

Tracking point trajectories in a processed video of the excited inverted pendulum with the tip mass. The inset in the bottom left corner shows the results of the trolley horizontal shift on the recorded tip point position.

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